VID : the demon's ongoing

this is the official sequel to "BND : the lost logo"

the pasta

ok, you might think i am paul fitzgerald, but no. i am somebody
different. i am what you know as a BND / VID fan. i liked all of what
they produced from their studio, but the only thing i didn't like about
them was it's mask...
to me, it was watching me... it's angry glare... always
watching.... however, my friend, paul had disappeared from something...
ok, now this is where it gets serious... back then, i was scared of the
VID mask and watched it's produced stuff on TV since i was 8 years old.
now i am 14 years old. however, i have come across something more
disturbing than what paul had seen...
well, it started when i was walking down a normal sidewalk...
then i tripped on a rock and found something unusual... there was a VHS
tape that said :
"LOST VID LOGO! MUST DESTROY! DON'T LOOK!" i wondered why it was
crudely drawn instead of styled... when i flipped to the back, i saw
blood-covered text saying on paper :
now i was really afraid of this tape... how come it knew my
friend? did someone draw that with my friend's blood? i was so curious
that i want hope and put the tape in my TV.

= the logo =

it began normal as it would, but only to find it was in some static
quality, the screen squiggling around in it's place. The line appeared,
with it's usual machine-gun sound, but when it got closer to ending it's
sound, it turned into distorted moaning.. then, the ball appeared,
bouncing... but this wasn't the normal grey color it had. it was red
with blood dripping ontop of it. I became sick from that view. either it
was clay or realistic. The ball fell with a woman's agony scream, and
the fanfare was replaced by an explosion and some burning fire
then, the logo ended, but there was no mask, and instead of the
text saying "BND" it actually had "666" in very dark red and realistic
fire ontop of it and blood under it as it was a floor. i began to
think : "why would they make such a think to us..."
The little robotic sounds that occur when the text appeared were replaced with a distorted voice that said clearly :
i started to cringe... then when it ended, it flashed a sudden
picture.. i paused right at it, and what i saw brang me back to when i
was scared of the mask...
it was the same demon my friend Paul had told me about some day
after he saw the other lost logo, but instead he had a skull head, it's
frog on it's head was replaced by what could only be one thing : pingu's
dead body. it also had red dead-on eyes that stared at the screen and
blue and red veins were ontop of it's skin instead of under the body.
And it's finger tentacles were now LONGER than they freaking were, and
even the blood vessels were on those tentacles...
I had to warn him about this tape, but too bad he's dead... i
wonder why the VID company would hide this... but then, after it ended,
it's little text below thing came up, like some movies have, but then, I
noticed it had the same date that the creator of VID died, which is
"2002"... i freaked out by this point...
was this logo created by the devil himself, or is this the return of the demon my friend knows now?

the aftermath

then after staring at the screen for 5 seconds, i wanted to contact
the creator, but he's just dead... i tested to be sure, but one of the
people from VID answered.. what a relief!
"hello, VID here!"
i pretended like it was an interview, talking about their history and stuff. "how did the creator die?"
"he got shot, stabbed, i don't know."
"how did you get the mask?"
"we wanted it from a museum, but they didn't let us, so we used CGI."
i finally did it. "i found this tape here, and it says you have a lost logo... how did it happen?"
there was a long pause, for about 2 minutes... then the person
said "well, i'll tell you how the demon from that abomination
happened... you see- there was this guy that works with us called David
Green. he drew demons and monsters of his favorite side of his mind,
skulls, lizards, dinosaurs, bulls, etc. his most favorite one was the
VID one that one person and you have seen. he called it 'gorefest'. He
gave it tentacles, powers to posses kid shows, many others. he
accidentally released it into the world, and for that, he began to
recreate it and give gorefest a new design, above-skin blood vessels, a
skull head and a dead body of everyone's favorite childhood character as
the replica of the frog on the head of the previous gorefest, or the
replica of the original VID mask frog on it's head to be percise.
he then gave it more detail, low quality, and after 2 days after
he finished, he commited suicide by falling off a cliff leaving a note
that says 'death is what we only get as a response to life'."
"so... anything you can think about hi-"
i paused at that because there was a loud bang, screaming and
some chomping... i thought it was a cannibal, but then a demonic monster
voice said :
"don't spread the word.. you disgusting HUMAN!"
then there was a loud roar, and halfway through it, the call cut
out, making a long beep as it was hung up. i started flooding my brain
with speculation... WAS DAVID THE MURDERER? did David kill the creator
of VID? I just wondered and wondered, and whenever i see or hear any
mentions of VID, i will be haunted by the sights of that goddamn devil's
voice from that phone... i really need to stop watching russia... it
didn't curse my TV... thank god...
{{GLE|VID : the demon's ongoing}}